SKU: 100293

116,32 €

All prices include VAT

Available: 15 L

A high quality solvent based lacquer base industrial paint. Suitable for use on all metal and plastic surfaces after appropriate surface preparation. After painting, the surface must be coated with a varnish such as Permacron or Permasolid® .
  • The price of 1L PAINT (without solvent) is shown!
  • For use with a spray gun, solvent must be purchased separately.
  • Mixed according to your colour code
  • Very good coverage
  • Easy to use
  • 2 to 4 coats, 10min drying time between coats (20°C).
  • Clear coat can be applied 10 minutes after the last coat (20°C).
  • Recommended nozzle size 1,2-1,4


  • Sand the panel and after that, remove any grease with a silicone remover.
  • Before painting, finish the surface with P500-P800 sandpaper (dry) or P500-P800 (water, wet).
  • Use a fine coarse grit for sanding areas or use Permahyd 1120 sanding paste and P1000 disc paper afterwards.
  • Thoroughly clean the surface of grease and dirt before painting with Permaloid 7010 silicone remover, Permahyd 7080 for water-based paints or PVE silicone remover.

NOTE: The price of paint may vary if an expensive component is present in the formulation. In this case we will contact you.

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